Badbury Park, Swindon
PFA Consulting were initially instructed in January 2013 for the provision of the detailed design of the on-site common infrastructure required to serve a mixed use development at Commonhead in Swindon, now known as Badbury Park. The development comprises 890 dwellings, 13.28 hectares of employment, local centre, Primary School on 2 hectares and hospital extension site on 5.5 hectares.
As is typical of a scheme of this size, the planning consent incorporated a number of engineering conditions which had to be discharged. To that end, PFA Consulting have been instrumental in the preparation of planning layouts for each parcel, including reviewing initial layouts for any highway or drainage issues, and producing drawings for submission to the Local Planning Authority. The Company has also provided assistance in the preparation of the Design Code for each phase, in particular the drainage section; thereafter the Company has prepared evidential reports with supporting calculations for approval, which were secured.
The engineering design packages prepared by the Company covered all the on-site roads, drainage, construction details, existing and proposed utilities and some off-site works. The complexities of the drainage has meant the surface water strategy comprises 15 ponds, a geo-cellular tank, ditches/swales and culverts under roads. In the case of the foul drainage, it required two foul water pumping stations with rising mains and associated gravity sewers. The outcome of this work has been the granting of technical approval by the Authorities enabling the Developers to enter into formal agreements and for construction to commence thereafter.