Denmark Road, Gloucester
PFA Consulting provided professional services to Redrow Homes in support of an application for full planning consent for 100 dwellings to the north of Gloucester City Centre. This included the preparation of a Transport Assessment including access arrangements, residential Travel Plan and Flood Risk Assessment, together with a package of technical drawings showing preliminary surface and foul water drainage strategies, land drainage mitigation measures, horizontal geometry of on-site roads, proposed levels and contours, and longitudinal and cross sections.
The site lies immediately to the south of the A38 dual carriageway. The access strategy proposed a small number of dwellings served from the dual carriageway, with the majority accessed from a residential road to the south. The Transport Assessment included a review of pedestrian and cycle routes and bus services, and demonstrated that the site is in a location where, in travel terms, a sustainable development can be achieved. The traffic impact of the proposed development on local junctions, including the site accesses, was assessed in the base and forecast years with Junctions 9: PICADY and shown to be acceptable. Gloucestershire County Council as local highway authority has recommended no highway objection subject to conditions, which include minor improvements to a small number of off-site pedestrian crossing points, together with the provision of two bus shelters.