Innsworth Gateway, Gloucester
PFA Consulting provided professional services to Robert Hitchins Ltd in support of an outline planning application for a mixed-use sustainable urban extension to Gloucester which will deliver 1,300 dwellings, employment uses, a primary school, a local centre, open space, landscaping and supporting infrastructure. The work included the preparation of a Transport Assessment and a Framework Travel Plan.
The access arrangements include the provision of a new ‘distributor road’ through the site connecting Innsworth Lane with a new junction on the A40 Gloucester Northern Bypass providing the primary vehicular access to the site.
The Transport Assessment included a review of pedestrian and cycle routes and bus services, and demonstrated that with appropriate mitigation the site would provide safe and suitable access and opportunities for travel by sustainable modes.
To assess the traffic impact of the proposed development an S-Paramics micro-simulation traffic model was built of the surrounding highway network including the A40 corridor covering the weekday AM and PM peak periods. A 2016 base year model was approved by Gloucestershire County Council and Highways England in 2017; this provided the basis for modelling the 2019 opening year which helped to establish the highway works needed to mitigate the traffic impact of the proposed development.
The highway mitigation included capacity improvement to the A40/A38 Longford Roundabout, an existing pinch-point on the A40 which suffers from traffic congestion at peak times.
Planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State in December 2017 following a planning appeal in June 2017.
The Longford Roundabout improvements and the new A40 Innsworth Gateway site access junction were the subject of a successful Local Growth Fund Bid of £4.5 million to help deliver the infrastructure needed to unlock housing at Innsworth. PFA Consulting were involved in the design of the two roundabouts and helped with preparing the Business Case to ensure that the funding allocated is realised.