Ladden Garden Village, Yate
PFA Consulting have been providing professional services for Ladden Garden Village since 2015. The development comprises of up to 2,450 dwellings, employment, primary schools, extra care housing and associated infrastructure over 100 hectares.
Initially PFA Consulting advanced the surface water drainage strategy from concept to detail design which incorporated the design of 17 SuDS features and a surface water flood alleviation scheme. To optimise developable land, it was found best to locate the SuDS features on the opposite side of the various watercourses crossing the site to housing parcels – this caused issues in making surface water gravity connections from the parcels.
To avoid the need of costly pumping stations, it was proposed to use inverted siphons to cross underneath the watercourses. In liaison with Wessex Water, and utilising research undertaken by HR Wallingford, PFA Consulting developed a design of a multi-bore inverted siphon that maintained self-cleansing flow conditions for all anticipated storm events whilst still provided sufficient flood protection that was acceptable to all parties involved. This template was then used across the development which ensured the masterplan was deliverable.
Along with the surface water drainage design, PFA Consulting also reviewed and developed the foul water drainage strategy. By liaising with the Client on the future phasing, PFA were able to reduce potential excavations required for the drainage whilst still providing an efficient and optimal design.