Transport Planning
Transport Assessments and Transport Statements consider the likely transport impacts of proposed development and, together with Travel Plans, identify opportunities to promote sustainable modes of travel.
Our Transport Planning Team offers a wide scope of transport planning services, across all development sectors, for a diverse range of clients. Our services range from initial site access appraisals, and Transport Statements for small development sites, to detailed Transport Assessments and traffic modelling for large strategic sites.
We regularly prepare Travel Plans promoting walking, cycling, and public transport use to ensure that development meets long-term strategies for integrating proposals for sustainable travel. We can also provide the ongoing Travel Plan Co-ordinator role if required.
Our transport planners often work as part of a client's multi-disciplinary project team and we are practised in completing projects to demanding time schedules and budgets. We are proficient in negotiating and securing approvals from highway authorities and, if necessary, can give evidence as an expert witness at public inquiries.